Abattoir Works
Slaughter House
- Dismantling of old slaughterhouse
- Civil foundation works for shed extension and machinery
- Erection of shed extension
- Installed and commissioned all equipment including electrical, plumbing and steam system.
De boning setup
- Dismantling of old de boning system
- Civil foundation works for vacuum system
- Erection of 4 in No cold-rooms
- Installed and commissioned all equipment which included de boning conveyor tables, vacuum packing systems, scale and labeling system and disinfectant washing system for plastic boxes
- Installed all equipment including electrical, plumbing and steam system up-to commissioning stage.
Permanent Incinerator capable of burning over 30 tons per day of slaughter waste material
- demolition of old existing building
- civil work preparation for erection of equipment and shed
- erection of shed measuring 11,000 sq.m with a height of 14 m.
- erection and installation of an automated stocking freezing area which is capable of taking 240 bins, 4 cu.m volume.
- shredding and loading system which consisted of a primary and secondary shredder via conveyor system.
- complete incinerator plant which the main incinerator weighs over 65 tons.